Monthly Archives: August 2019

Tripping Down Memory Lane

It was billed as John Fogarty’s 50-year trip. It lived up to its billing. Since April the former Creedence Clearwater Revival frontman has been criss-crossing America, sharing his memories and his music. The Woodstock Festival was 50 years ago this month. CCR were headliners. Nostalgia is in full bloom. One thing you didn’t see at […]

The Beginning, Again

It’s that day again. On August 30, 2014 I began regularly posting in this spot, resurrecting a blog that had had one entry and then been temporarily abandoned. It is amazing I remembered the password. As I do every August 30, I’m going to look back and share some thoughts from that 2014 post, where […]

Bus Woes

It’s amazing how much you can forget in a year. But it is coming back to me now: Ottawa’s transit system is designed to give riders ulcers. That many route numbers and routes have been changed is no surprise. Those in charge of OC Transpo don’t want people getting comfortable. They’ve added a new layer […]

Temperature’s Rising

As I get older sometimes the memory isn’t what it used to be. I was doing some computer cleanup yesterday and came across this post. I wrote it a couple of years ago, but don’t remember ever sharing it with you. If I did, let me know and I’ll work on improving my memory so […]

How Often Do You Clean Your Ducks?

It happened again last night. A telephone solicitor trying to get me to have my ducts cleaned. I’m not sure how often it is necessary to have that work done, but there seems to always be someone “working in your neighbourhood” which means “we can offer a very good deal.” Pardon me for being skeptical. […]

Rocks By Any Other Name

Who knew they had a formal name? I’ve spent my life referring to them as “the rocks.” At high tide you can just see the tips, at low tide the rocks are the boundary between Ocean Park and Old Orchard Beach, Maine. They are a meeting place, and a reference point for those giving directions. […]

Back To The Pantheon

The Pantheon is one of my favorite spots to visit when in Rome. Can I tell you why? Part of it is definitely history. The building, now a Christian church, pre-dates Christianity. A lot has happened on this site over the years. It has been a place of worship for millennia. I’m sure part is […]

So Much To Do…

If you suspect today’s image is designed to distract you from realizing that I didn’t provide you with my usual lengthy insights on life, the universe and everything, you are correct. I couldn’t make up my mind what to post today, and decided to keep it light rather than provide with with deep insights into […]


Imagine being a high school basketball coach, with expectations of a championship season. Then, due to economic upheaval, almost your whole team moves away. You are re-assigned to coach track and field, a team that consists of one asthmatic runner. What do you do? Such is the premise of Overcomer, the latest film from the […]

50 Years of Peace and Love?

I wasn’t there. I’ve always regretted that. It would have produced some epic memories. In August 1969 the big cultural event was Woodstock., a mammoth music festival happening just a couple hour’s drive from my home in Montreal. I didn’t even ask my parent’s if I could go. I knew the answer was “no.” There […]