Monthly Archives: November 2019

Safety and Privacy

I got an email from my credit card company telling me the lettuce I purchased may be affected with E. coli and I can return it for a full refund. I’m thankful not to have become sick. I am concerned that these sort of warnings seem to be increasing and what that says about our […]

Welcome To Black Friday

I seem to have been inundated by Black Friday ads for the entire month. Now that the day is upon us, I have no urge to spend. Oh, I did see an eight-terrabyte portable hard drive advertised online at a very nice price. I don’t have 8T of data though that I want to save, […]

A Thanksgiving Prayer

Originally posted on Life Project Blog:
This is something that I wrote some years ago, but it still applies today… Father, I thank you for all of the ways in which you have blessed me and my family.  Our blessings are so great that it is hard to list them all, but I’d like to…

Behind The Red Rope

There’s something scary out there. Go beyond the community boundaries and something bad is sure to happen. Only inside the red rope is there safety. Thriller writer Ted Dekker teams up with his daughter Rachelle for the dystopian novel The Girl Behind the Red Rope, which may remind you of something you remember reading in […]

Visions of Sunrise

Just some pictures today, taken at Old Orchard Beach, Maine, in August 2012.

Upon Reflection…

  Sometimes, rather than jumping into the fray, I like to let things percolate. Which makes me late with my thoughts on the firing of TV commentator Don Cherry, two weeks ago today.. To Canadians Cherry is an icon, or a buffoon, someone who has always stirred passions. A former National Hockey League player and […]

Grey Cup 2019

There will not be a post today. It is a national holiday. Well, not really, but for Canadian sports fans it is an important day. Our national football championship is being contested today, as the Hamilton Tiger Cats take on the Winnipeg Blue Bombers in the 107th annual Grey Cup game. I had thought of re-posting […]

The Never-Ending War

I was looking back through the archives for a “Flashback Friday” post yesterday, and came across this one from September 2014 that I though was worth sharing again. A century later, it haunts them still. The last Canadian veteran of the First World War died in 2010, and I would imagine that is pretty much […]

Flashback Friday

Thought I would go on a trip down memory lane today. This post is from September 2014, with a photo from 1981.   In some ways our visit to London this summer was a write-off. It was the last day before our flight home, and I had planned to take in a few sights, it […]

Making America Great Again

I woke Wednesday morning to an “Impeachment Alert” in my email inbox. It got through my spam filter, so it must be important. And I had been trying hard to ignore the ongoing impeachment proceedings in Washington. The Republicans want me to contribute to an emergency fundraising goal to “defend Trump.” They called me “Fellow […]