
Who Do I Read? (In no particular order.)

These are the bloggers I am following who are posting regularly. I follow a number of others who have stopped posting in the past few months, but if they come back I will add them.

It’s the printed word that attracts me – which is why there are no photography or travel sites on this list. Maybe I’ll include some when this page is next revised.


Jnana’s Red Barn

A mixture of poetry, photography, religion and social commentary from different perspective from a retired journalist and author with roots in the 1960s hippie movement.


Thinking Out Loud

Paul Wilkinson has been blogging for 10 years and writes three blogs with different focus (or should that be foci?). I first met Paul in 1976 and have always been inspired by him. He is one of the people who pushed me to start my own blog. If you like what you find here, you owe him a debt of gratitude.


More Enigma Than Dogma

It bills itself as “Relationships, Culture and Current Events” This is another blog I discovered because Rusty visited mine first. Next time I am in Edmonton I plan to buy him a coffee and see if we can sit together and solve the problems of the world. He doesn’t post daily – but he puts a lot of thought into what he has to day and is always worth the read.


The Editor’s Journal

This one could be seen as advice for bloggers, though there is a fair amount of thought provoking material here. I’m not sure if she really has 100,000 followers


Past Times Present

Bruce LaRochelle was after me for years to start my own blog. His reflections on changing society and the past have given me a lot to ponder. He also posts a lot of music videos, which I must admit I usually don’t look at – I know if I start I’ll get sucked in and where will the day go?